You can use your e-mail address and password of your choice to log into the new Online Member Center. And if you manage several accounts, log in only once and access all your accounts - you no longer need to remember multiple account numbers and passwords.
To register and set up your password, simply follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in with your PR Newswire account number and your old PRN Direct password or the password you defined on your membership application. When possible, agencies should log in with their agency account number and password. If you’ve forgotten your account number or password, please call the Helpdesk at 1-888-776-8598.
Step 2: You'll immediately receive a confirmation e-mail with a link. Click on the link or paste it into your browser to set your new password.
Step 3: Select a new password and choose a security question and answer so we can identify you if you forget your password.
Step 4: You'll immediately receive a welcome message and then you're ready to begin using new Online Member Center.
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